Danny Grossman’s Transcendence

Directed by: Gerald Packer
Featuring: Danny Grossman
Format: 16mm
Year: 2001
Produced by: Riddle Films in association with Bravo!FACT

This 18 minute video combines never-before-seen black & white footage of the late dancer/choreographer Danny Grossman shot in 1979 (re-transferred and re-timed) with contemporary footage shot of Grossman’s solo dance work Transcendence.

The film marked Gerald Packer’s directorial debut.  His experience as one of Canada’s foremost cinematographers gave him not only a great eye for the technical aspects of filmmaking, but also for finding a compelling narrative.  In 1979, as a Ryerson College student, Packer shot footage of Danny Grossman – not for any specific project, but because Danny impacted him in a way that few dancers ever had.  This footage has sat dormant for over 20 years with Packer looking for the most appropriate way to use it.  With the premiere of Transcendence, a way to integrate this archival footage was born.

“The artist asks questions, because he really feels that we have to evolve as a species. What it boils down to then is a simple matter of wanting to communicate.” – Danny Grossman