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Directed by: Mako Funasaka
Featuring: The Afiara Quartet and DJ Skratch Bastid
Format: HD
Year: 2015
Produced by: Riddle Films in association with The Royal Conservatory of Music
Distributed by: Centrediscs
The Spin Cycle project features renowned DJ Skratch Bastid in an innovative conversation between musical worlds. The Afiara commissioned four of Canada’s leading young composers (Kevin Lau, Laura Silberberg, Rob Teehan, and Dinuk Wijeratne) to write new works for string quartet inspired by popular themes – this is Stage 1. Each of these works is then remixed by renowned DJ Skratch Bastid into Stage 2, creating four new solo works for scratch DJ. The project culminates in the composers responding to the remixes in the form of a quintet, string quartet + DJ: Stage 3. This unique collaboration between the quartet, composers, and DJ thus chronicles a complete musical conversation, traversing different media to create something wholly new.
Each of the four musical journeys is presented as an entire cycle, creating four distinct musical trajectories for the listener. The project is available in the form of a double album on the Centrediscs label, and in live performance.